Urinary incontinence during menopause: it is not too late to do something against it!

Urinary incontinence during menopause: it is not too late to do something against it!

With age and the hormonal decline of pre-menopause and menopause, tissues tend to weaken and loosen, and urinary leaks can occur. Nevertheless, it is not too late to do something about urinary incontinence during and after menopause.

It is never too late…

Menopause, this time of life when women’s body changes, is the occasion to take care of ourselves and especially of our pelvic floor that we (perhaps) had forgotten. Various symptoms can occur, such as sleep disturbances, hot flushes, or even urinary incontinence. These symptoms are a good reason to take care of your body and yourself. Above all, you should take care of your pelvic floor now. It is never too late… or too early to do something for your pelvic floor: Therefore, use the years before and during the menopause to avoid menopausal symptoms such as urinary incontinence!

… to strengthen our pelvic floor!

It is important to preserve our pelvic floor to continue to have a good quality of life (without urinary leaks), intimate well-being and to avoid prolapse.

Urinary incontinence during menopause

Regular exercising to avoid urinary incontinence during menopause

To stay fit, you should move as often as possible. The regular practice of a sport but also Kegels (exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor) are recommended. Training your pelvic floor will keep it firm and flexible and will help you avoid little inconveniences.

Take some time to train your pelvic floor to avoid urinary incontinence during menopause. Because despite all the negative things you hear about menopause: it also offers the opportunity to consciously listen to your body and live through a second youth. Another advantage: continuous pelvic floor training also helps you to relieve back pain!

Adapt a healthy lifestyle for more energy!

Here are some tips for you to enjoy your menopause:

Eat healthy

Especially foods rich in nutrients, proteins, and try to limit sugar to avoid weight gain.

Regular physical activity

Practice physical activity regularly (especially low-impact sports) whilst preserving your pelvic floor.

Specific exercises

Train your pelvic floor daily with strengthening Kegel exercises.

Urinary incontinence during menopause - health professional

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